

Sponsorship Opportunities are available for our
NEW Post-Conference on September 26th!

Annual ConferenceSeptember 24 & 25, 2024 At Maryland Live

Contact mwaexecdirector@gmail.com for additional Sponsorship or Exhibitor information.

Platinum – $30,000

  • Designated as sponsor of the general session
  • On stage signage
  • 20 complementary full registrations to the conference
  • Advertisement in the mobile app
  • 2-4 minute video prior to general sessions
  • Large logo on welcome banner
  • Logo on website
  • Logo on welcome PowerPoint during general sessions
  • Listing on signage at conference
  • Ribbons on your badges designating you as a platinum sponsor
  • Other benefits tailored to the needs of the sponsor

Gold – $15,000

  • Designated as sponsor of breakfast or snack station for one day
  • 8 complimentary full registrations to the conference
  • Advertisement in the mobile app
  • Ribbons on your badges designated you as a gold sponsor
  • Logo on welcome banner
  • Logo on website
  • Logo on welcome PowerPoint during general sessions
  • Listing on signage at conference
  • Other benefits tailored to the needs of the sponsor

Silver – $10,000 (limit 6)

  • Sponsorship of a conference track
  • 4 complimentary full registrations to the conference
  • Ribbons on your badges designated you as a silver sponsor
  • Logo on website
  • Logo on welcome PowerPoint during general sessions
  • Listing on signage at conference

State Leadership Happy Hour-$5,000

  • Presentation at State Leadership Happy Hour
  • Logo on invitations and event outreach materials
  • 2 complimentary full registrations to the conference
  • Advertisement in mobile app
  • Logo on welcome banner
  • Logo on website
  • Logo on welcome PowerPoint during general sessions
  • Listing on signage at conference

Evening Reception - $7,500 (limit 2)

One Monday night one Tuesday night

  • Presentation at evening receptions
  • Logo on invitations and event outreach materials
  • 2 complimentary full registrations to the conference
  • Advertisement in mobile app
  • Logo on welcome banner
  • Logo on website
  • Logo on welcome PowerPoint during general sessions
  • Listing on signage at conference

Friend – $2,500

  • 1 complimentary full registration
    to the conference
  • Listing on signage at conference
  • Logo on welcome PowerPoint before general sessions
  • Listing on website
  • Exhibitor booth

Exhibitor – $1,000

Exclusives– $5,000 – limit 1 per


  • Signage at the registration table
  • 1 complimentary full registration to the conference
  • Listing on signage at conference
  • Logo on welcome PowerPoint
    before general sessions
  • Listing on website
  • Premium exhibit booth space


  • Signage as podcast booth sponsor
  • Mentions in all RTB recorded podcasts
  • 1 complimentary full registration
    to the conference
  • Listing on conference signage
  • Listing on website
  • Premium exhibit booth space


  • Logo included on conference
    name badges
  • 1 complimentary full registration
    to the conference
  • Listing on signage at conference
  • Logo on welcome PowerPoint before
    general sessions
  • Listing on website
  • Premium exhibit booth space

Phone Charging

  • Signage on all charging stations
  • 1 complimentary full registration to
    the conference
  • Listing on signage at conference
  • Listing on website
  • Premium exhibit booth space

Mobile App

  • Signage as mobile app sponsor
  • Logo in app designating sponsorship
  • 1 complimentary full registration
    to the conference
  • Listing on conference signage
  • Listing on website
  • Premium exhibit booth space