Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations

Raising the Bar Conference 2024 Workforce Development Professionals Awards

Do you know someone who “Raises the Bar” in their approach, support, leadership, and delivery of workforce development programming and services? If so, consider nominating someone for a 2024 Raising the Bar Award.

Deadline to nominate: Monday, September 9, 2024

Nomination Process

Anyone who is part of the workforce delivery system in Maryland is eligible to be nominated. Individuals must be nominated by someone who can fully describe the candidate’s qualities as it relates to the award categories. Nomination forms are due by SEPTEMBER 9, 2024.

Review Process

Category Description Eligibility
Raising the Bar in:
Customer Service
Excellence and passion for quality and customer-centric approach; Demonstrates non-siloed approach to serving customers; Has proven track record of positive feedback from workforce system/center customers. Frontline workforce staff/American Job Center staff; Case managers; Employment professionals
Raising the Bar in:
Excellence in leadership, capacity building, leading effective partnerships, program development and delivery (with outcomes), Workforce development professionals in leadership roles
Raising the Bar in:
Unique program development, excellence in using data and industry/sector-driven models, public-private partnerships to solve 21st century workforce challenges WIOA partners, workforce intermediaries, experienced workforce professionals, program managers/leaders
Raising the Bar in:
Business Services Excellence
Delivers viable, quality workforce solutions that meet businesses’ needs; Excellence in consultative approaches and demonstrated capacity to listen and deliver business driven solutions Any business services focused staff
Raising the Bar in:
Operations and Support
Provides excellent support for operations, programming and services delivered by a workforce development organization; Demonstrates high commitment to quality, compliance, and integrity. Staff serving in operations, human resources, fiscal, administrative, and/or support role.
Raising the Bar in:
Blueprint Career Counseling Programs
Excellence, passion, commitment to helping youth and young adults exploring their interests and potential. Demonstrates an understanding of the role of a Career Counselor (or Coach) and the importance of Maryland’s middle and high schoolers getting access to sound career information. Career Coaches, Career Counselors supported by Maryland’s Blueprint for Education (Pillar 3 Career Counseling).
President’s Award (MWA Board Members and MWA President to nominate) Demonstrates long standing commitment to the field of workforce development, a champion of partnership and collaboration, and a genuine passion for leadership, innovation, equity, and solutions-based approaches to solving workforce challenges. Workforce development professionals from any organization.