About Us
The Maryland Workforce Association is made up of the thirteen Local Workforce Directors in Maryland.
The association collaborates with the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation and other state workforce partners to foster regional and statewide collaboration and share best practices.
The Maryland Workforce Association advocates for and promotes the public workforce system on a local, state, and national level.
The advocacy includes building relationships with elected officials at all levels, outreach to businesses within the State, and building partnerships with other agencies and organizations to strengthen the system.

- Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation
- Mayor’s Office of Employment Development
- Baltimore County Department of Economic & Workforce Development
- Frederick County Workforce Services
- Lower Shore Workforce Alliance
- WorkSource Montgomery Inc.
- Employ Prince George’s
- Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland
- Susquehanna Workforce Network, Inc.
- Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board
- Western Maryland Consortium
- Howard County Office of Workforce Development
- Carroll County Workforce Development